The Experienced Defense You Need Against Federal Charges
Federal charges involve complex legislation and are subject to mandatory minimum sentences. Most criminal defense attorneys focus on state charges for that reason. So, if you have been called before a federal grand jury or feel you might become the target of a federal investigation, you need an attorney with the requisite knowledge and experience to defend your rights and freedom.
Attorney Russell Spatz has that requisite experience. No stranger to the courtroom, his 40 years of experience includes service as the division chief to two of Florida’s state attorneys, Richard Gerstein (1975) and Janet Reno (1978, a former U.S. attorney general). Having worked in these upper echelons of the legal industry, he knows what is at stake when it comes to defending your rights and freedom against U.S. prosecutors.
Your case is too important to let it be an attorney’s first foray into federal criminal defense. You want someone who has both the legal insight and practical experience to guide your defense. Call Russell Spatz at Spatz Law Firm, PL, at 305-442-0200 today.
What Makes Federal Charges So Different?
Federal charges differ from state criminal charges in a number of important ways. Federal crimes are generally those that either cross state lines, like drug trafficking, or involve conspiracies to defraud government entities, like tax evasion. Charges are brought by prosecutors who work for the U.S. Department of Justice, as opposed to local or state prosecutors.
Federal crimes are also subject to the U.S. Government’s Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which dictate mandatory minimum penalties for certain crimes. These guidelines are set by Congress, not the judge. If you are convicted of one of these crimes, you will face automatic and immediate prison time in a federal prison, even if a judge or jury thinks you should not have to serve the full time.
As your federal criminal defense lawyer, Russell Spatz is fully prepared to defend you against these harsh penalties. His experience includes defending clients against charges for:
- Drug trafficking, particularly trafficking across state lines
- Drug manufacturing, including marijuana grow operations, which are still illegal under federal law
- Drug conspiracy
- Financial fraud or insurance fraud
- Identify theft and other computer or internet crimes
- Racketeering/RICO violations
- Tax evasion
- Counterfeiting
- Conspiracy to commit fraud against the federal government
Contact Spatz Law Firm, PL, Today
If you’ve been subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury or think you might be the target of a federal investigation, now is the time to act. Call Russell Spatz at 305-442-0200 or contact his Miami-Dade County law firm online to schedule a consultation.