It is fair to say that almost all people enjoy having money, using it, keeping it, and making it multiply. Some individuals, however, will go as far as committing crimes for financial gains, to obtain or avoid losing money, property, or services, or to secure a personal or business advantage. In other words, some individuals will be charged with a “white-collar crime”.
According to the Federal Bureau of investigation, this kind of crime is characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and is non-dependent on the application of physical violence, or threat.
Which are the most common white-collar crimes?
White-collar crimes are characterized into several types. These are the most common:
- Embezzlement: when a person entrusted by someone else (usually an employer) to handle money or property, leverages that trust or position to misappropriate funds.
- Bribery: when a person corruptly solicits, transfers, and/or accepts valuable assets in exchange for a guaranteed outcome.
- Ponzi scheme: this is an investment scam that happens when someone offers investors extremely high returns for little to no risk. The schemer attracts new investors to pay the older ones, but in the end no one receives their promised returns on investment.
- Money laundering: this type of crime refers to funneling money received through a criminal act through several accounts, and eventually into legitimate businesses, so that it is no longer identifiable as criminally related.
- Extortion: the act of coercing a person or institution into giving money, property, or services.
White-collar crimes can be individual or corporate crimes. These crimes harm companies, families, or investors, and should be avoided at all costs by following the law and being careful when it comes to the management of money and varying assets. However, if you have been charged with a white-collar crime, it is advisable to immediately contact a lawyer to handle your case. Call Russell Spatz today at 305-442-0200. for a consultation.