When you are charged with domestic violence, you’ll be charged in Criminal Court, but if children are involved, you may also be headed to Family Court in matters of child custody. If you are a parent with a substance abuse problem and have been charged with domestic violence, all hope may not be lost.
In cases of domestic violence where the defendant has a substance abuse problem, Russell Spatz will advocate for the individual. In serious life-altering times, he feels it’s important to be more than a lawyer to his clients, but also be a counselor to help them through their problems so that they can emerge from the crisis for the better.
One way he does this is through seeking placement in the appropriate treatment facility or with an experienced professional. Judges are very familiar with substance abuse problems. Rarely is there a person in our society who is not aware of a friend or relative with such a problem. What Judges want to see is that a defendant is doing something about it.
This is because the best long-term option is for the individual to be treated for their problem. Secondly, once the individual is clean and sober, it is likely that the court will want the parent to begin receiving visitation with their children even while in a treatment facility.
If you or someone you know has a substance abuse problem and is on the verge of hurting themselves or others or damaging their lives contact Russell Spatz, an experienced criminal defense attorney who cares about more than just your case – he cares about you and the foundation of your family. This low point can and will be the beginning of a new and better life.