Russell A. Spatz

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How To Avoid A DUI This Holiday Season

On Behalf of | Dec 14, 2018 | DUI/DWI |

It’s the time of year where champagne is flowing, celebrations are happening, and holiday parties are frequent. While it’s never a good idea to drink and drive, once the holidays roll around the chances of a DUI become greater. Thanks to ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft it’s become much easier to avoid drunk driving and DUIs all together.

How To Avoid A DUI

With holiday parties at the office or gatherings with family and friends happening over the next few weeks, the likelihood of having a little too much to drink is higher than usual. Your best bet is to decide on a designated driver to be in charge of getting you and your loved ones home safely. If there’s no one in the group willing to stay sober for the evening, consider using a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft to get you to and from the party. We live in a world where we’re lucky enough to have simple technology that can allow us to live on the edge every now and then while still getting to play it safe when it comes to getting home.

It’s a known fact that during the holidays there are more police patrolling the streets and setting up DUI checkpoints all over the city. Drivers should be extra careful and follow all traffic lights and signs.

What Happens When You Get A DUI

Getting a DUI can be a life-altering situation. Many people are subject to loss of their jobs and licenses as the result of getting into trouble for drunk driving. Jail time and severe fines are also likely when arrested for drunk driving.

According to the Florida DMV consequences following a first DUI include:

· Fine – $500 to $1000 (blood alcohol level of .15 or higher or minor in the vehicle)

· Community Service – 50 Hours

· Probation – Not more than 1 Year

· Imprisonment – Not more than 6 Months

· Imprisonment with BAL of .08 or higher with a minor in the vehicle, not more than 9 months

· License Revocation – Minimum of 180 days

· DUI School – 12 Hours

When there’s a second or third DUI involved, the punishments become harsher for the offender – not to mention the consequences involved if there is an auto accident or a death caused by drunk driving.

Here’s How to Get Help

Even though drunk driving is completely avoidable, it still happens more often than it should. A buzz of any kind can lead to a driver not being as alert as usual and can cause distractions on the road. If you or a loved one has an evening that results in a DUI, you’ll need an experienced DUI defense attorney to help you sort things out and get your affairs in order. Contact us today to see how we can help.


Florida Drunk Driving. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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